Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Seated Meditation Practice

The muse loves it when I practice. She helps me to understand what a real downward-facing dog looks like and, as I take my seat, she settles beside me. For at least three seconds.

While I am shifting my mindful focus to the breath or to thoughts of peace and gratitude, she is beginning her subtle attempts to un-seat me. Although sometimes unsuccessful, these campaigns are always energetic and persistent, as is she.

Highly strategic, she begins by selecting her crunchiest, noisiest bone and proceeds to gnaw enthusiastically, while insinuating herself into my lap.

Then she brings gifts, among them her goopiest tennis balls, and her furriest blankets. These she offers ceremoniously by draping and dropping them on me. Slurpy face licks are thrown in for good measure.

By the end of the practice, I am often covered in bones, balls and blankets. Perfect.

Poochbuddhas know that  practice is about focus and acceptance. The muse was helping me to sharpen my focus and deepen my acceptance by providing distractions.

Seated meditation practice

Practice over, The Muse usually calms herself, curls up and drifts into a deep sleep, confident that her work here is done. Such a Poochbuddha.