Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Muddy Treasure

So the PoochBuddha loves mud.
(Have you noticed lately how often we begin sentences with so? When did this start happening? I prefer it to um. So the evolution of language is so interesting).

Hailey-the-Muse will always find the muddiest puddle within a five km radius and proceed to explore it with PoochBuddha enthusiasm and focused intention. Joy ensues, as does vigorous shaking in order to spread said joy. On hikes at this time of year she masquerades often as a chocolate lab.

For Hailey, mud is treasure.

PoochBuddha who looks a lot like Hailey in the spring

PoochBuddhas know about jewels in the mud. They search relentlessly for the treasure in everyone. Our jewel-essential-selves are slowly revealed by life's challenges and joys. Kinda like those stone-polishing-tumbler things. More tumbling, more sparkle. Treasure revealed.

Our job here is to uncover the jewel within each of us, a task that begins with knowing the jewel is there. I suspect that all babies are born knowing this about themselves. We forget, though, and the eventual dis-covering of the jewel is our life's work.

If we are awake, we will recognize and learn from PoochBuddha guides along the way. Some are furry and all are muddy.

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